yaz3 yazfitness


Q:  What is the best approach to weight loss and improving overall conditioning?

A:  Depending on age, fitness level, and workout experience, I suggest a “Total Body Circuit” at least two days per week. This “loop” should incorporate “compound” exercises that work two or more muscle groups simultaneously in order to create an aerobic intensity. This strategy is an effective way to combine maximum muscle fiber recruitment and fat burning capability in one workout session.

Here is an example of a total body circuit:  1) Push-ups,  2) Walking Lunges, 3) Lat Pulldowns, 4) Squats, 5) Dips, 6) Seated Rows, 7) Leg Presses  8) Plank,  9)  Ab Crunches,  10) Oblique Twists.

The activities should be performed sequentially with NO REST PERIOD IN BETWEEN EACH EXERCISE!  If you follow this workout using adequate weight loads and repetitions of 20, you will rapidly see improvements in your cardiovascular function and lean body mass.  It is most helpful to do all trunk work (for example Plank, Abdominal Crunches, and Oblique Twists) “by time” rather than repetition—for example 60 seconds of each trunk exercises.





Q:   Do I have to jog or run for aerobic activity in order to “burn fat” and “get fit?”

A:  NO!!  Cross training is always the best approach for the general public.  Biking, walking, and the elliptical machine are terrific options. Alternating between these activities helps avoid injuries and also encourages the long-term, sustained commitment critical for losing weight.  Individuals frequently become focused on a single exercise regimen which may result in overuse injuries (for example tendonitis and shin-splints). Cross-training not only helps to prevent such injuries, but also ensures that the body continues responding to “weight loss” and “cardiovascular” improvements.  The key is to mix it up—you will feel better, stay motivated, and get in shape !!!!!!!! 

Q:  What is the best time of day to exercise?

A:  The best time of day to workout is in the morning. Early workouts help you burn more fat by stimulating your metabolism to work harder, and sustain an increased rate throughout the day. People who exercise in the morning are also more consistent, because there is less chance of something getting in the way of your workout.  SO, GET UP, GET GOING, AND DON'T MISS A TRAINING SESSION!!  Hiring a trainer can also help with both consistency and motivation.  Consider having a trainer come to your home or establish a schedule to workout with friends at a specific time every week. Teamwork really makes a difference!